On December 01, 2022, an agreement on cooperation was signed in Tashkent between the all-Russian public organization "Union of Russian Beekeepers" represented by Chairman Kapunin Valery Pavlovich and the Association of Beekeepers of Uzbekistan represented by Chairman Bakhriddinov Sharofiddin.
The subject of the aforementioned agreement is the development and implementation of joint scientific, technical, educational and commercial projects that contribute to the preservation and development of beekeeping in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The mutual goal of the Parties is cooperation in the field of formation and supply from Uzbekistan to the Russian Federation of early bee packages and queen bees of high-quality pedigree composition and without concomitant diseases. Joint development and implementation of new technologies in the field of beekeeping in the interests of beekeepers, the population, the development of environmentally friendly technologies, the creation of environmentally friendly food in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Uzbekistan. Mutual deliveries of honey and other bee products, as well as tools, equipment, veterinary medicines. Assistance in the professional retraining of beekeepers in Uzbekistan by specialists from the Russian Federation.
Also, the delegation of the all-Russian public organization "Union of beekeepers of Russia" headed by Chairman Kapunin Valery Pavlovich with the Association of beekeepers of Uzbekistan was on a visit to Samarkand, Fergana and Namangan regions. During the visit to the regions, bee farms were visited and meetings were held with large beekeepers of Uzbekistan. At the meetings held, the issues of deliveries of early bee packages and queen bees from Uzbekistan to the Russian Federation were discussed. Particular attention was paid to the quality and diseases of bees. In addition, issues related to the development of mutually beneficial cooperation between the beekeeping subjects of the two states were discussed.