A meeting with the famous supplier of the uterus of the “Bakfast” breed from Germany Valdemar Koch will take place:
September 30 at 15:00 in the office of the Association of Beekeepers of Uzbekistan.
(Tashkent city, Navoi street, house 40, tel. + 99871-202-11-21, + 99871-202-11-15).
October 2 at 10:00 in the Ferghana regional Union of beekeepers
(Ferghana city, Urmonchilar street, 26, tel. +99895-402-05-01)
October 2 at 14:30 in the Ferghana State University at the faculty of livestock beekeepers.
(Ferghana city, Murabbiylar str., 19, tel. +99895-402-05-01)
We will inform you about the date of the meeting in Samarkand at the Institute of Veterinary Medicine.