As part of the Honey Festival, two innovative platforms were presented by Uzbekistan Beekeeper` Association and FAO:
(1) Mobile application "Encyclopedia of Beekeeping"
(2) Information exchange system "Arizor.uz ".

May 26, Tashkent. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the UN Development Program, and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) organized the first National Dialogue in preparation for the UN Summit on Food Systems, which will be held in September 2021 in parallel with the UN General Assembly in New York National processes, dialogues and consultations in preparation for the Global Summit on Food Systems have already started in more than 100 countries around the world . Regional dialogues have also begun with the participation of international partners.

By the decision of the government, Sharofiddin Bakhriddinov has been approved as the chairman of the Association of Beekeepers of Uzbekistan.

Photo report of the fair-exhibition "honey Festival", organized by Alokabank and the Association of beekeepers of Uzbekistan.

We invite you to the fair-exhibition "honey Festival"!

Honey festivals and exhibition-fairs of honey products are being held in all regions of our country

On behalf of the scientific Commission on bee health. APIMONDIA

Information of "Alokabank"

Between the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on veterinary and animal husbandry development and the General administration of the customs service of the people's Republic of China on inspection, quarantine and veterinary requirements for honey exported from Uzbekistan to China PROTOCOL

The Association of beekeepers of the Fergana region held a meeting with a specialist in the supply of breeding stock "Bakfast".

Innovative beekeeping technologies are being introduced.

A meeting with specialist beekeeping in the uterus of breed "Bakfast"

On the execution of instructions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Beekeepers Lipetsk region compensate for the loss from the poisoning of bees by pesticides

Do you know? In Sweden opened a bee McDonald's


Varroatosis tick than harm the bees?

About work on development of families of Carpathian bees

For the attention of exporters of bee packages and honey!!!

Honey export to the Chinese state is being launched.

About development of activity of Association of beekeepers of Uzbekistan

"Prosper forever, my native Uzbekistan!".

From the history of beekeeping of Uzbekistan

On 20 august 2019 year, a seminar “Prospects for the Development of Veterinary and Livestock Production in Uzbekistan for 2019-2021 years” was held at the Samarqand veterinary medical institute


Honey festivals and exhibition-fairs of honey products are being held in all regions of our country

LLC "ALOQALIZING" and the Association of Beekeepers of Uzbekistan invites for cooperation and offers its services.
Our company can finance and supply you with any equipment necessary to expand or modernize an existing business or to open a new line of business.

Honey festival and exhibition-fair of honey products has begun in Tashkent. More than 250 beekeepers are presenting their products at the event, organized by the Association of Beekeepers of Uzbekistan and “Aloqabank” joint-stock commercial bank.
Honey festival and exhibition-fair of honey products has begun in Tashkent. More than 250 beekeepers are presenting their products at the event, organized by the Association of Beekeepers of Uzbekistan and “Aloqabank” joint-stock commercial bank.